
Using the Malus theme (a branch of the Debut theme created by myself), this store has high conversion rates powered by lots of product-centric homepage section.

This shop is all about conversion, using lots of quick buy options and having a flexible sidebar cart, a customer can very quickly make there way to checkout.

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Fluid Gallery

Small gallery section allows brand highlights without taking up too much vertical space. This gallery has lots of display options for both mobile and desktop.

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Featured Products

Quick-buy options and a link to the collection make this a conversion dream.

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Ajax Collection

This collection has a load more button to show the next ‘page’ of products without needing to reload the page. A bit of custom coding makes sure that customers return to the ‘page’ they were on when browsing the site and the full range of products loads once customers reach the end of the collection.

A site that carefully balances highlights with products, this has a lot of challenges and a need for careful iteration lest it loose the magic flavour.

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Conversion Specialist

